Why is that anytime something comes out from Google (or just about anything, for that matter), people have to find something to complain about? There are more engineers at Google than the ones that were working on this project. Just because they are developing this project doesn't mean they stopped development on all other Android related projects.
So why don't we actually discuss the product instead of finding a way to shoehorn in an unrelated topic to complain about?
The problem isn't that someone mentions something else, the problem (from the standpoint of discussion of this story) is that comments like this resonate enough with people to get upvotes. That's actually Google's problem.
Even if you think it resonates because people are just drinking the Apple kool-aid, that's still Google's problem.
Let Google handle its own problems, and use whatever vote power you have to help steer the conversation here. Complaining about it doesn't exactly reduce the signal to noise ratio.
Android and iOS compete in the same ecosystem. It's extremely relevant, in my opinion, to compare and contrast their offerings. The release of a new product, library, or feature is an excellent time especially because of the freshness and potential additional relevance.
And I was talking about the product. ARcore is a single example of the larger, broader problems I "complained" about.
This is the view from the inside as a Google employee. You see all these lines between what you work on and what other people work on. From the outside? People see it quite differently. For an example you can maybe relate to, it's easy to criticize Apple for recent design decisions (touchbar, lack of escape button, etc) and say that the whole company is losing touch with reality. The people working on the iphone might feel the same way you do here: There are more engineers at Apple than the ones working on the touchbar.
So why don't we actually discuss the product instead of finding a way to shoehorn in an unrelated topic to complain about?