Easily missed, but at the bottom of the page they're selling a SkiFree shirt[1].
I got one for my birthday a couple of years ago and it's my unashamed favourite geeky shirt I own, even though it looks a bit silly and isn't a terribly high quality shirt.
You have to view source and search for .mp4 and find the link, it may be urlencoded (just joking) but this is the case for "certain" sites that try to have you login to download their videos and try to obscure the source.
Many moons ago, I was forced to use a computer. I pretty much hated them, back then. Anyhow, I had to learn BASIC. To do so, I got a bunch of books and my first program was a rehash of a skiing game. I called it Ski Downhill Faster. (Naming things is not my forté.)
It made the rounds at the university and was improved by others who were more adept than I. It was a bit of an informal open source, I guess.
I was actually talking about this recently and lamenting the lost data. It's unfortunate that so many little things weren't archived. I highly doubt that a copy exists anywhere.
Also many moons ago there was a competition for one line Apple ][ Basic games and someone wrote a terminal based downhill skiing game. All you had was left/right and played until you hit a mound.
By the time my humble program had made the rounds, early 80s at MIT, it has ASCII trees and points for going through the gates. IIRC, the trees slowed you down and took points away. The point system was, I think, based on time remaining and gates cleared. If you ran out of time, the game was over.
I kinda wish I still had access to it, but only to use it as an example. It was a fun project in an otherwise not fun time. I pretty much despised computers back then, as they were difficult to use and had limited functionality. My, how times change.
I still get truncated downloads occasionally nowadays. And my file explorer still doesn't show the checksum my filesystem has done anyway. So this is probably still the best poor-man's-integrity check.
Because of the stock splits that another commenter mentioned, it looks like this is actually asking a rather different question (more like "What would the price be to buy 100 then-current shares of MSFT at each moment from 1991 until today?").
I do hate to be the jerk here, but this page keeps getting reposted just about annually - it started here almost a decade ago. I know that SkiFree was a memorable game, and it's nice that the programmer released it all those years ago. But really, while a nice diversion, this page just doesn't feel like it deserves to be on the front page of HN anymore.
There are a number of submissions that follow a similar pattern. People discover them on their own and want to share. Not everyone checks the history to see if it's been posted before.