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It's not representative - only 9 people are mentioned.

edit: I corrected the caps...thank you. I didn't know.

As the guidelines request, please don't use uppercase for emphasis on HN.


To everyone in this thread: This entire topic is incredibly contentious and as such requires even more care and benefit of the doubt when engaging in discussion. Please ask yourself, what is your goal in discussion here? To understand the others you're talking with? To express your opinion? To convince the "other side"? If you're not here for useful, constructive, civil, and respectful discussion, please just refrain from commenting. Shouting louder than every one else is not helpful, and as the mods repeatedly point out, HN is not the place for ideological flamewars.

What are you talking about? The link you added supports my claim: there are in fact radical Christian terrorist attacks in the US.

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