Muslim countries considered as allies by the same government prosecuting this guy? IIRC the USA makes billions of dollars selling weapons to those exact countries.
So, give them weapons with one hand, and prosecute citizens for some vague connection with the other hand!
>Why do I get the feeling that you just read an article about "creeping Sharia in America"?
No, I live in India and have seen the stuff they can do when they become a majority (and dont forget they did try imposing SHaria in UK a while ago) . I say tried because, as the article mentions, their rulings have no legal standing. It is still however a parallel legal system they choose to adhere to.
>Citation, please.
They do inevitably turn out to be Muslim most of the time, though I admit its anecdotal and I have not collated data
>Are you implying that a regular Muslim is equivalent to a KKK member? Have you ever even spoken to a Muslim?
Muslims are below 5% of the American population... which is why they are not vocal. Talk to a Muslim from Saudi\UAE\Pakistan to know how Muslims actually are. Talk to them about something a bit uncomfortable, like maybe religious freedom, alcohol or womens liberty.. and see how fast they shut down.
How about if you talk to Hindu people for example and see how they answer similar questions? Would repeated attacks from Hindu people warrant prosecuting people from Indian origin?
Why do I get the feeling that you just read an article about "creeping Sharia in America"?
> a lot of terrorist attacks are after all funded by Muslim countries
Citation, please.
> Would a KKK member who openly identified as one, even on the job, be allowed to keep it?
Are you implying that a regular Muslim is equivalent to a KKK member? Have you ever even spoken to a Muslim?