1. I have been looking for the icons on this site for 3 minutes and I can't find them. I suppose they should be visible in the examples[1], but they are not. Not in Firefox, not in Chromium.
2. Custom HTML elements. I see that even Firefox 58 wont support for them[2]. Isn't this a premature choice? Is there a fallback?
I was however able to view a couple of fonts via the header on the site. Looks beautiful.
2. Custom HTML elements. I see that even Firefox 58 wont support for them[2]. Isn't this a premature choice? Is there a fallback?
I was however able to view a couple of fonts via the header on the site. Looks beautiful.
[1] https://embed.plnkr.co/lxi4NBhTf42rSDZ65KTr/
[2] https://caniuse.com/#feat=custom-elementsv1