Sure, I could make something that works. I could make a hacky icon for each. And that's what I did for my app.
I could try to contribute, but it's not going to be in the style of the rest of the icons. That's the point of a collection. It's a collection that one or a team of people made. I can make a PR that they have to look at and fix and/or redesign. I could ask them to create it themselves. But in both of these scenarios, the designers of the collection need to do more work, for me, for free, which is not great for them.
Then perhaps open source icons are not a good fit for you! If you have some requests/demands, and can't do the work yourself, then paying a premium to have that work done seems like the correct route.
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><rect x="1" y="6" width="18" height="12" rx="2" ry="2"></rect><line x1="23" y1="13" x2="23" y2="11"></line></svg>
It shouldn't be too hard to add another rectangle with whatever width you want. Just open up the dev tools and play around with it.