Please don't propagate that sexist, binary view on gender. If you make the effort to criticise non-equal treatment, please always also include genderless, non-binary bigender or trigender, pangender, trans woman, trans man and any other-gendered.
It seems to be very easy for people who get the gender expression they need out of their assigned label and gender role to dismiss the importance of those things. What you're saying is about as smart as saying "people don't need glasses; I can see just fine."
No arrogance nor ignorance meant from my post - if inferred, I take it back.
The last line of the comment was aiming to bring my point across (which seems to have failed) - people do not need to label themselves as anything in order to be who they are.
Please re-read my post with a little more of a light heart - the sooner we all stop defining ourselves (and others) so seriously as members of tribes old and new, the sooner we can all speak to each other on a level playing field.