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Personally speaking, Google and Facebook provides me with useful and timely information. Life was more inconvenient before these companies were around. Yes, they introduce some of their own new problems, but I would rather not return to the pre-G/FB days. It would be best if future companies and products learn lessons from the current situation and build even better information platforms.

Initially with cigarettes, society only focused on the positive aspects and even after 50 years people still smoke.

Once a company gets going, even if it is discovered there are long term issues with their products, they will be hard to compete against.

> Initially with cigarettes, society only focused on the positive aspects and even after 50 years people still smoke.

What were these? Just the stimulant effect of nicotine?

Yes for people with ADD cigarettes enable focus and productive work. Much stronger and more effective than coffee.

Yes and the social aspects, stress relief, and the warmt.

Some of my friends started smoking during final high school exams to combat stress and fatigue.

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