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I'd like a 'timeslot' feature that I could set myself eg. block my account all day except between 10pm and 11pm. This actually occurred to me previously when I activated the noprocrast feature, which was good also

Another idea that would make this work even better might be to have any changes in your blocking settings only take effect a week after you make the changes. It's hard to have discipline about settings for right now, but it's easy to have discipline about settings next week.

I like this idea a lot, except knowing me, I'd clear my cookies and cache and just read HN not logged in until I could login.

Maybe a way to get around this is to remove the links (not the text of the links, but the link functionality itself) unless you have an account and are logged in.

I guess in the end, if you don't have the self-control needed not to throw away your time reading about things (instead of doing things), you probably aren't going to benefit from being blocked from HN. You'll find something else equally unproductive to fill that hole.

Then you could just create a new account!

Hmm. good idea. Maybe I'll try this.

I know technical solutions are fun, but why not just practicing good ol' fashion self-control?

Self-control is hard and is a limited daily resource. I'd rather spend that effort somewhere else.

Well usually good ol' fashion self-discipline comes with physical barriers between you and time-wasting opportunities. For instance going to the library every day to study - does that show self-discipline, or a chronic lack of self-control (that would allow one to study at home)? When you do your work on a computer, or worse, on the internet, infinite distractions are only a mouse-click away. Even the thought of this can be distracting.

Technical solutions entail fake work to avoid..fake work. Oh the irony.

This is a damn good idea, better than the existing noprocrast.

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