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Ha. I gotta laugh. I've seen so many websites that look like this, I have a hard time differentiating some of these startups.

I know it's a proven navigational scheme and sound UI that studies show converts at a higher blah blah blah, but when is some one going to do something new with landing pages? Sheesh.

Okay, on the count of 3, everyone click the down arrow on my comment!

Well I've got to give you credit for saying it to our faces, considering I designed that site. Now on the count of 3, tell me how a software engineer with no design experience can figure out in under a month how to put together a full-featured web application with a frontend, user control panel and admin interface and still worry about the uniqueness of the landing page graphic design? My real concern was that it worked and it communicated our message.

Edit: I should mention that I totally agree with your comment. Can't wait to hire a graphic designer :)

Do you know who cares about "originality" in landing page design? People who design landing pages...

Your customers won't know that this layout is well-worn territory for paid web apps. They will just see a beautiful, easy to understand website. Which it is...

Nice work.

You can design something to impress the HN crowd once you get traction. In other words, pay for the fluff with profits.

You did a great job in putting together the site. Props to ya.

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