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I love the idea but the design needs some work. If you can also display a quick summary and time to read an article, that would improve our reading efficiency quite a bit. That, and of course, dark design.

Thank you for the feedback! By a dark design, do you mean like a toggle of sorts - b/w a white dominant and a dark dominant UI? Or completely switch to a dark UI?

I would propose something like this to start with:


That's just a .dark class in the body tag:

    <body class="dark" onload="document.querySelector('.dark-switch > input').onchange()">
...a switch at the top right:

    <label class="dark-switch"><input type="checkbox" checked onchange="document.body.classList[this.checked?'add':'remove']('dark')"/> dark</label>
...and a bit of CSS:


I also find the yellow-on-white links in your Twitter theme difficult to read.

Oh wow! super cool :) Thank you for putting in the work for the demo! Really appreciate it.

Yeah, even a toggle works. But the design, in general, doesn't look appealing to my eyes. You can have a very plain design, which neither attracts nor distracts, but if you have a design that is distracting, it's hard to take it seriously.

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