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Foursquare Launches Location Layers (readwriteweb.com)
29 points by timr on July 6, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think "tips" is one of the neatest features of Foursquare, and I see this as the same concept only the information comes to you. When I am in a new city I'll sometimes pull up Foursquare to look for a place to eat/drink/be merry and I read through these tips. If that information was delivered to me based on groups that I consider myself to be a part of, I would be one happy camper.

Very cool.

As long as this is handled well (i.e. truly opt-in, well-curated lists), it's a damn good idea. It's a good mesh of using the Internet to increase engagement in real life — the potential is huge for discovery of lots of unique places that many would probably never have thought to seek out before.

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