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It's interesting that Frama-C was mentioned. I have been playing with it the last few months and would love to hear exactly how it was used. I've read through a lot of the documentation but haven't found many examples of it being used

Part of it is described in the Frama-C blog (http://blog.frama-c.com/index.php?post/2017/03/07/A-simple-E...). It actually presents a tutorial on the EVA plug-in (former Value Analysis) with Monocypher as a case study.

Note that this is the initial stage of using Frama-C. The next step would probably include writing some specifications for functional behavior (in ACSL), and then using the WP plug-in (based on weakest precondition calculus) to prove those specifications, providing much stronger guarantees.

A few Frama-C case studies are on Github (https://github.com/Frama-C/open-source-case-studies), including an old release of Monocypher, but they constitute mostly a initial parametrization of the EVA plug-in. Most advanced users of Frama-C apply it on industrial code that is not available, but academic users regularly publish papers with case studies (searching "frama-c" on Google Scholar gives good results).

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