Oh God no, haha. I started out in Python and I'm pretty sure all of us have fallen out of love with batteries included.
You can see what happens when you go too far the other way though. C has effectively no basic data structures like strings, lists, hash tables, etc., so anything you interface with has its own idea on how to handle that stuff. Library X might return an array of Things that's NULL terminated. Library Y might return an array of Thangs and a size_t output param. Or like you pointed out in JS, its standard library is full of holes so you get tiny projects that attempt to plug them, or larger projects that try to make JS into a specific kind of language (Underscore), or full on programming languages that transpile to it.
I just don't think the problem is definitively solved though. Personally I think Bytes should be in Rust's stdlib. I think bit and byte manipulation is a fundamental part of a language and there should be a standard way of doing it, especially if there are things like TCP/UDP and hash tables in there. I understand the arguments against; I really like the design of Rust's stdlib, but I feel like there's room for disagreement. That's all I'm saying :)
You can see what happens when you go too far the other way though. C has effectively no basic data structures like strings, lists, hash tables, etc., so anything you interface with has its own idea on how to handle that stuff. Library X might return an array of Things that's NULL terminated. Library Y might return an array of Thangs and a size_t output param. Or like you pointed out in JS, its standard library is full of holes so you get tiny projects that attempt to plug them, or larger projects that try to make JS into a specific kind of language (Underscore), or full on programming languages that transpile to it.
I just don't think the problem is definitively solved though. Personally I think Bytes should be in Rust's stdlib. I think bit and byte manipulation is a fundamental part of a language and there should be a standard way of doing it, especially if there are things like TCP/UDP and hash tables in there. I understand the arguments against; I really like the design of Rust's stdlib, but I feel like there's room for disagreement. That's all I'm saying :)