There's also plenty of DIY distributed issue tracker tools to keep issue tracking inside a git repo (often as yaml+markdown). I'm still surprised a good one hasn't stepped up with direct GitHub issue/project tool integration+sync, but that should certainly be a possibility.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble scaling GitLab. We have many organizations running GitLab and successfully scaling to 10's of thousands of users, and which is the largest GitLab installation. As a GitLab Enterprise customer our support team is happy to help you review your scaling problems and resolve them. Please submit a support request at
O crap I meant to say GitHUB Enterprise. That's what has trouble. We also have Gitlab Enterprise and that's fine. Sadly for reasons internal we are mostly stuck with GitHub E.
I'm glad to hear that GitLab is working fine for you. And I'm sorry that you feel stuck with GitHub Enterprise. Please know that GitLab has a high fidelity importer and our support team has a lot of experience with assisting people with the migration if the migration is the problem.