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It was a problem before ACA; it's a problem now. The law didn't really change that aspect of the system.

This is my uninformed impression of the matter as well, and if true (please, anyone with a rebuttal please weigh in), to me it is further proof that the true motive of the ACA is to line the pockets of health care provider donors, by spreading the costs over the entire population and get rid of the politically damaging stories of overcharges causing individual bankruptcy.

Socializing this theft turns it into Just Another Crisis among the hundreds of others the US has.

Having an expansive definition of theft merely serves to raise the noise floor.

The "true" purpose of the ACA was to do something about spiraling health care costs. What was passed was a "compromise" where the people pushing for a public option got nothing and the most onerous restrictions on the monied interests were rolled back. This has not been an effective solution in many senses. I decline to further characterize the issue, however; this is extremely close to a political discussion, and those are ban-worthy here.

There were provisions that addressed cost containment (ACOs, Quality-Based reimbursement models for Medicare). In fact, medical cost inflation has come more in line with general inflation since about 2009/2010. But, you're right, the market based reforms like cost and quality transparency were left to fight another day. The ACA focused more on access to coverage than it did cost.

I would not put too much weight on conspiracy theories though. The healthcare system is massively complex. It will take multiple reforms to eat this elephant.

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