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> I don't know why computer people's category theory always looks so foreign to me. Sometimes I feel like we're in completely different worlds with vaguely similar-looking language.

Well, another way to think about it is that we are using the same language to talk about very different things. For example, in homological algebra you are always working in (at least) a pointed category. In computer science a lot of the things we are interested in are already reflected in the partial order induced by a category (i.e., subtyping). If your category has a zero object the latter is trivial and so we're pretty much never looking at pointed categories.

> In computer science a lot of the things we are interested in are already reflected in the partial order induced by a category (i.e., subtyping).

If by "the partial order induced by a category", you mean 'let A <= B iff Hom(A,B) is nonempty', then that's not subtyping. That's "does there exist a function from A to B". Just because I can write a function from Int to String doesn't mean Int is a subtype of String.

I tend to think of subtyping as an additional structure: a PL comes equipped with a particular notion of subtype. Say C is the category of types and functions. Then subtyping is a partial order on types equipped with an inclusion functor into C. That is, a map (coerce : (A <: B) -> Hom(A,B)) that chooses for any pair A,B of types such that A <: B a coercion function from A to B. Moreover, coercing from A to A must be the identity, and if A <: B <: C, then coercing from A to C is the same as coercing from A to B and then from B to C.

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