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Google's Annual Letter (graemethickins.typepad.com)
7 points by michjeanty on March 28, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Some interesting things in the letter: - 17,000 employees in 20 countries

- 1/3 of employees work on search

- 1/3 on ads

- search & ads are hard problems, i.e. there are many opportunities in this space

- 70-20-10: 70% resources on search & ads, 20% on apps (gmail), 10% on areas that are farther afield but have huge potential, such as Android.

- YouTube is a largely independent operating structure, with YouTube remaining in a separate office in San Bruno, about 25 miles from the main Googleplex

- Every week, I(Larry Page) approve a Google spreadsheet with a summary of every single hire we are making worldwide

- Instant messaging within Gmail- which works right inside your browser with no installation-has been a big hit

- Our goal is to generate a gigawatt (roughly enough to power San Francisco) of clean, cheap energy in years, not decades. If we are successful, we will not only help the world, but also make substantial profits -------------------------- Good read, clearly Larry & Sergey are continuing Warren Buffet's Annual letter tradition.

If they can pull off renewable<coal, they're going to be the biggest company of all time...

Anyone want to put odds on them doing it in 5 years?

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