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> What can I do in Haskell that I can't do in Clojure, because of Clojure's dynamic typing?

Also an interesting question, but, again, not equivalent to the one that I asked! joncampbelldev very specifically said that Clojure gives him more flexibility than Haskell. I'm asking for specific examples, otherwise how else can I improve Haskell or its documentation to be more appealing to fans of dynamic languages?

Ah, I've said too much in such a debated area, and clumsily.

Dynamic types give their power in what they can change. I do not know how easily this can be done with Haskell, but I expect a different pattern, or a more convoluted approach would be needed, but something like this:

    (defun greet
      ([:bob] "Hey bob")
      ([x] (str "Greetings, " x)))
So far, something familiar. But where's the dynamism? Let's grab a macro, so that we can do this:

    (addmatches! greet :chef-matches {:before :beginning}
      ([:emeril] "Love the zest")
      ([:child] "First, we baste the chicken!"))
Which we can have later use in other conditionals, as well as the corresponding macro removematches! (These macros come from a library, but are not difficult to implement).

Why would one ever want such a thing? It allows for the creation of a self-modifying parser, for one. Removes a lot of boilerplate for another.

I'm afraid I've never been able to understand macros. What does this do? Is it something like

    greet :: String -> String
    greet "bob" = "Hey bob"
    greet x     = "Greeting, " ++ x

    addmatches :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
    addmatches f = \case
        "emeril" -> "Love the zest"
        "child"  -> "First, we baste the chicken!"
        x        -> f x
If so, you'd have to design it slightly differently to do removematches in Haskell, I guess.

Well, it modifies greet in place.

And this:

    greet :: String -> String
Wouldn't really be writable by a human, because:

    x -> f x
Can represent any two expressions, for example:

  (addmatches! greet :chef-matches {:before :beginning}
    ((list? x) :sym) (comment Boolean -> Symbol)
    (list (apply greet x)) (comment Function -> Recursive...))
addmatches! isn't a separate function. Basically, at compile time, a macro is given the raw untyped tokens from Clojure's parser, and can run all of Clojure's features against them. The *match! macros don't exist at runtime.

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