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> You got a personalized email because someone in their customer acquisition thought it was worth. Happens all the time.

Ok, I dislike talking about this but I am actually (and in a way Bank Simple could not know) worth a fair amount.

The companies that do know about this insist on inundating me with "personalised" crap. Im yet to recieve anything as personal as this email - and that is what impressed me. There is at least 5 minutes of effort put into this email.

I think you are being slightly unkind (though I take your point); because they have these interns and, from the responses I got, it appears their job is "take email X, google for email X, find something interesting to talk about, add that to email (or if not found just send mail)".

There is no way I could appear as anything more than a normally interested punter to them - hence the kudos.

I do honestly challenge you to find a company that makes the same effort for their main customer base.

The "you" on my comment was for the author of the deleted comment (a poor, unconnected student), not you "you" ErrantX :)

(Disclaimer; I am a bit tipsy so not exactly constructing replies well :)).

Yeh I know. The point I meant to make is that it appears the way they are assessing "worth a reply" is "are there google hits". Which is quite cool.

(I realise that it is a slightly quicker way than figuring out who is really worth their time :P it still seems pretty cool)

Wufoo does.

I'd like to say I do too.

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