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As is apparent from my profile, I live in Scandinavia as well. You are mistaken at best and knowingly spreading FUD (lying) at worst when you say that.

What is well known is that Carl Lundström has been involved in some groups with very unpleasant political views (that I in no way share). Carl Lundström owns the ISP that hosted TPB in its first years. He may or may not still have a share in TPB, but it is fairly established that his role in the project never was anything other than a passive financier.

It is a very large leap, and close to libel if you ask me, to go from that to calling everyone involved in TPB and PP "neo-Nazi closet cases".

I assume that you think that half of the Swedish music industry are neo-Nazis as well, since they've worked at one time or another with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Karlsson ?

And I guess those musicians also own IKEA furniture [1]. Guilty by association.

[1] IKEA's founder was involved with a pro-nazi movement once. He apologized later.

(Edit: Corrected history. Thanks!)

Actually, Ingvar Kamprad wasn't involved with neo-Nazis, but the original Nazis. Good point nonetheless :-)


Swedish music industry didn't form its own party though.

I dunno, http://vbulletin.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=15753&... and http://vbulletin.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=20679&... sure comes across as wing-nuttery, no?

And please cut this BS about FUD. I know am pissing against the wind on this forum (and it reflects on my karma as we speak), but this is often down-played side of the community heroes. Maybe some people would like to know, they're a fucking pan-european party now.

Are either of those people core members of the party or are they just random people posting on a forum? And while I certainly agree that 9/11 conspiracy nutters and nutters, they seem to quite evenly distributed across the political spectrum. All parties have their crazies, and judging a political party as whole by their most "out there" members is never good way to foster intelligent debate.

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