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You may want to consider returning the Kindle DX if your use case is PDF reading, particularly if you have any complex graphics, and absolutely if random flipping through the document occurs.

I own a K1 and K2 - and nothing beats them, not even paper, for bright sunlight reading. I had a DX for about a week, but found that the page flipping performance in textbook class PDFs, particularly when I was looking for a random page was poor, and, the Achilles's heel - complex graphics took several seconds to render.

The iPad is a better tool for that use case, and, with dropbox + goodreader, it takes me all of 5 seconds to bounce my PDF onto my iPad for future reading (With the bonus that my iPhone now has access to the same PDFs, and, I have full access to color documents.)

I do 100% of my summer reading outside on my Kindle, though - wouldn't even attempt it on an iPad, even with the matte screen that I've added.

Actually the thing that sold me on kindle was that you can use dropbox with it as well, trough the dropbox website interface. I can imagine that it will be a sub-par experience and probably it will not take 5 seconds but oh well. And yes, the plan was to try it out and return it in the worst case.

The iPad has a dropbox app too. It allows you to open up pdfs, word docs, and other items.

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