Brightness contrast is important, but so is color contrast. As readers of early WiReD magazine (ca. 1998) well know, reading orange text on a yellow background is just as painful as light gray on medium gray.
The same goes for font size. Due to the range of device sizes and display dot densities, small fonts can easily become unreadable. Mobile versions of web sites helps only so much. I find at least half of Apple's system menus to be unreadably small on my iMac 5K monitor and my Macbook retina. This illegibility needs to be user-fixable in a systematic way, and ASAP. Just telling the user, "Use an Accessibility service", is NOT the right response.
The same goes for font size. Due to the range of device sizes and display dot densities, small fonts can easily become unreadable. Mobile versions of web sites helps only so much. I find at least half of Apple's system menus to be unreadably small on my iMac 5K monitor and my Macbook retina. This illegibility needs to be user-fixable in a systematic way, and ASAP. Just telling the user, "Use an Accessibility service", is NOT the right response.