Congrats on the launch. Have you considered doing this for Kindle Singles?
There are certain topics that I am interested in but the time I want to invest is between NewYorker articles (15-20 pages) and a full-fledged market-dynamics dictated 250-450 page book. And Kindle Singles (and such sized books) fill that niche nicely. And needless to add here, am a huge audible / audio fan - so would love to see the two get merged.
We haven't explored the Kindle Singles world as much as we'd like. How does a person hear about a Single? How does one of them catch fire and become a big seller? Is it up to the author to promote them, or are there websites/periodicals/Twitter feeds/whatever that have a lot of influence on sales?
There are certain topics that I am interested in but the time I want to invest is between NewYorker articles (15-20 pages) and a full-fledged market-dynamics dictated 250-450 page book. And Kindle Singles (and such sized books) fill that niche nicely. And needless to add here, am a huge audible / audio fan - so would love to see the two get merged.
Thanks & Good luck!