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I'm pretty out of it when it comes to gaming but this kind of reminds me of Google Groups + Slack + GameSpy (assuming I understand how this works).

What's the monetization angle here? Charging the guilds themselves a fee to run their group or charging game developers for integration with the platform?

> I'm pretty out of it when it comes to gaming but this kind of reminds me of Google Groups + Slack + GameSpy (assuming I understand how this works).

Yeah, that's pretty close. The main difference is that Guilded is less focused on solving real-time communication for gamers, and more focused on exploring collaborative tools like calendars, media albums, recruiting tools, and analytics tools. We integrate with real-time comms tools (like Discord) to make it easy to use both.

> What's the monetization angle here? Charging the guilds themselves a fee to run their group or charging game developers for integration with the platform?

Subscriptions for premium features, paid cosmetic features (think guild themes/skins, etc.), and sponsored events (using the integrated calendar) are all things I'm exploring right now.

How is this different from existing services like Enjin?

Enjin was launched at a time when "website builders" were the only way to really manage your team, and that's still what it is today. A few problems with this approach:

1. I might just want to have a team calendar, and I don't really want to create a website to use a calendar any more than I want to create a website to use Google Calendar. You can create a team and access all the tools on Guilded in 10 seconds.

2. Enjin has poor mobile support as a result of this philosophy, because user-created websites on a desktop don't tend to work as well on mobile. They certainly won't work well as an app.

3. Because all of the features that Guilded teams use are integrated in a first-class way, we can do really cool stuff with your network connections, like share your updates to your Discord server, notify your team when you go live on Twitch, etc. Many of Enjin's are third-party html/js/css, so they don't have that level of control.

These problems are ones that I wanted to solve, and they were a large part of the motivation to build this.

> but this kind of reminds me of Google Groups + Slack + GameSpy

I think that was the problem OP is trying to solve

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