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I built https://communiroo.com because I couldn't find a quick and simple single website to expose bug/feature tracking + SO type questions + forums + support requests for my other things I was building. It seemed (and still seems) like it fills a need for mine and everyone else's side projects.

I think the biggest issue is marketing. I tried a few Twitter/Facebook ad campaigns that didn't really pan out, and an HN submission that didn't make the front page. But really I haven't done much to market it, and it just sits there chugging along with few users other than myself while I work on other stuff.

This looks pretty great! I would have used it a few years ago, now I host my project on Github and use their built-in tools.

Thanks! Yeah, GitHub is definitely the way to go for OSS or projects with technical users. This is designed more for things like closed source apps or SaaS.

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