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We've seen articles before here (I think it was HN) that dealt with psychopathy. But those, if I remember correctly, focused on the lack of a conscience, noting that some psychopaths are violent, and others are not, while all have little regard for their impact on others' lives.

I wonder how these two concepts connect up. I seem to remember that tests for the other version of psychopathy were entirely behavioral in nature. This guy talks about genes and brain scans, but he is interested primarily in tendencies toward violence and murder.

So, are we talking about the same thing here, or not?

Yeah, some things I've read have linked psycopathy with an inablity to feel empathy, and what makes someone a killer is also having poor impulse control.

I feel like to a certain extent that lack of empathy would help your career quite a bit (like if you were a Berkeley professor) I'd like to know if this guy exhibits any of the other behavioral traits associated with psychopaths.....

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