Wow, someone needs to calm down. Stop calling people Karl Rove because they aren't seeing the same argument you are. Maybe it's deliberate, maybe it's not, in either case the accusation looks foolish.
After using both, the noob experience in Ruby is better than in Clojure. I've had cases where more "advanced" library/package management was easier in Clojure (really, Maven) due to system local vs. project local package lookup. It's entirely possible that says more about my knowledge on the subject than anything else.
If someone accuses me of spreading FUD, while they are intentionally cherry picking at best, then I'm going to respond. It's my nature to respond to personal attacks against me.
Oddly you don't find him foolish for the FUD comment, just me for responding to it.
After using both, the noob experience in Ruby is better than in Clojure. I've had cases where more "advanced" library/package management was easier in Clojure (really, Maven) due to system local vs. project local package lookup. It's entirely possible that says more about my knowledge on the subject than anything else.