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Sliding right into disaster: Left-to-right sliding windows leak (iacr.org)
128 points by dom0 on July 2, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 33 comments

It might not be clear from the title without context that the setting for this attack is a local cache-timing attack, which can work cross-VM on the same physical hardware. So if you have an attacker running code on your physical machine, but not necessarily in the same process, account, or VM, you would be vulnerable to private key recovery.

Although the researchers describe mitigations that will dramatically reduce the information leakage, this is further evidence that it's quite dangerous to do software crypto on hardware that may be shared with an adversary.

this is further evidence that it's quite dangerous to do software crypto on hardware that may be shared with an adversary.

I'd generalise and replace "software crypto" with "anything". Especially with things like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row_hammer

In addition to stress testing (for cooling/overheating and functional testing), we use MemTest86 v7 Free Edition (which does row hammer tests too) on all new computers: desktops, laptops and servers.


Who is "we"?

Does it matter? I trust some guy from a YC startup as much as some random kid fresh out of college.

Especially since they usually fit both those shoes.

Take stuff like that as a possibly helpful nudge in the right direction, not the one and only truth, regardless of who may have said it.

The advice is clearly good. Given the context, it sounds like something that someone at a VPS provider might say, which was what made me curious. In any case, it's relatively rare in my experience here to run across the first-person plural without any antecedent at all, be it ever so vague - which also struck me as curious.

I'm not looking to either discount or treat as axiomatic anyone's arguments based on their apparent position along some authority gradient, if that's what you are getting at. What would be the point?

Thanks heaps for the scope summary. I really do wish papers with such 'scary' titles would clearly indicate how regular users of the software are affected currently and how the security guarantees have been violated for them in the past and under what circumstances. Ideally they'd also say exactly what to do to remedy the problem, at least from the perspective of a user of say libgcrypt/GPG. Doing that would prevent a large amount of needless panic and scrambling.

The people who are in position to fix the issue can extract that information easily from this paper; the paper is targeted towards this audience and academics, not the general populace

and yet, here it is.

Aren't they expressly focused on 1024 but keys? It sounds like 2048 doesn't share the same issue yet.

Wouldn't your statement imply that we should not be terminating TLS on AWS nodes? Is it even practical these days to not use cloud based, shared hardware?

Again, RSA 1024, we've known that's weak for a while now...

Didn't read the whole paper, but they assert the same is true for 2048 rsa keys, it just requires more computing power, and not an absurd amount more.

Is there a cheap alternative? I know there are a few vendors selling secure hardware USBs (though how secure I don't know) for various uses, but are there any SoCs to run arbitrary sensitive code without hardware sharing?

Intel SGX provides good isolation, it is still vulnerable to some side channel attacks, though it can be mitigated using a TSX hack.

Of course, SGX is not quite available yet on server class CPUs.

Unfortunately, SGX is also vulnerable to timing attacks that leak the private session key, which breaks the enclave security model.

[0] http://www.sharcs-project.eu/m/documents/papers/a02-gotzfrie...

The details aren't completely spelled out here but SGX looks to be an interesting extension of the idea of "virtual machine per block of code" https://software.intel.com/en-us/sgx

It appears a runtime per-site-per-use license is required though.

The latest SDM strongly suggests that some future CPU will change this. Also, certain Linux x86 developers think that SGX support is vastly more likely to be acceptable upstream if this changes :)

There are ways to mitigate such attacks at the operating system level, as explored in the following link?


"We also provide strong evidence that the same attack works for RSA-2048 with only moderately more computation."

This is the fix: https://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=libgcrypt.git;a=c...

Yes, I was installing it with Homebrew just yesterday. That was fast. Was this code already in review?

How can you compute modular exponentiation in a Time Safe way, regarding some pseudocode or a link?

They give a partial answer aka right-to-left vs. left-to-right, but at the high level.

Make sure you do fixed computation regardless of data involved. This involves slowing things down and making sure the CPU/compiler does not optimize anything so things become unbalanced.

I am new about these things, but wouldn't just moving to fixed computation really fix this and a large number of forsee-able side-channel attacks? It sounds like the libgcrypt devs chose specifically not to do this because they thought it wasn't necessary.

Okay, I saw that, but thanks for saying it. What does right to left mean specifically? How would you compute it without a sliding window / or make it fixed time?

Straightforward implementation involves taking exponent bits from the MSB on and multiplicating by the base for 1 bits and then squaring the intermediate result.

Straightforward way to make this constant time is to do the multiplication always and discard the result for 0 bits.

Motivation of the sliding window algoritms is that they are faster and also believed to be "more constant time" than the straightforward square and multiply.


Can you provide an example and explanation of rule 2 on page 9? I understand about Theorem 1.

Dear moderators: Can you adjust the title? I misunderstood it, as I think many others will, as defeating all RSA-1024 by all GPG users done on any computer. It's actually about people who share a computer with someone doing a GPG decryption.

The paper's title is: "Sliding right into disaster: Left-to-right sliding windows leak". Standard HN practice is to use the page's title as the post title.

Alternative options that seem clear to me:

- "Local-machine side channel attack defeats RSA-1024 decryption using GPG (CVE-2017-7526)"

- "Complete break of RSA-1024 in GPG (CVE-2017-7526) for local attackers"

- "Sliding right into disaster: Left-to-right sliding window attack against local-machine RSA-1024 in GPG (CVE-2017-7526)"


I was an expecting an article about waterproofing differences between windows that open to the left and those that open to the right. Forgot this was HN.

My first thought was window managers... like, a flaw was found in some code that does window sliding somehow.

I thought this too!

Having just installed massive sliding doors in my home, this was also my first thought.

I was actually disappointed!

How big are the doors?

Thanks, we've changed the title from “Complete Break of RSA-1024 in GPG (CVE-2017-7526)” to that of the paper.

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