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Bcat—pipe to browser utility (rtomayko.github.com)
75 points by paulsmith on June 28, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Maybe it's just me, but it would be nice to have the documentation say that it is nice enough to automatically open a browser window/tab to the appropriate location. I spent a good 5-10 minutes trying to figure out how I would view what it's doing in the browser, and finally just installed the gem to figure it out...

A great value-add to this would be if it would start a service on some remote server and let you view the output there, perhaps charging you for the feature.

Excellent, I was just running some markdown and previewing it in Safari with an extra step. This is cool.

  curl http://news.ycombinator.com/ | sed 's/points/<span style="color:red">points<\/span>/g' | bcat

Can someone explain how to get a list of all tabs that are open?

I have for a while wanted to make my own version of sessionsaver, but one that automatically categorizes and organizes your open URLs.

I think you're looking at this backwards.

bcat is a utility that pipes standard input to a browser, treating the browser as standard output.

brillant new tool for the toolbox.

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