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I also had trouble getting started with Clojure because I was distracted by the official getting started documentation. I had smooth sailing once I decided to develop Clojure code the same way I develop Python code:

- Edit code in plain Vim.

- Run Clojure from the command line.

I have a single directory where I download the appropriate jars. I ignore Ant, Maven, Leiningen and all that other fancy stuff.

I dove into Clojure for the first time a month ago or so and came to the exact same conclusion!

Then I wanted to play with Compojure and think I got sucked into involving Leiningen (bleh). (Actually, I want to meet the person who named that project Leiningen and slap them with a small fish. What an annoying name to type and pronounce!)

> I want to meet the person who named that project Leiningen [...]

Jokes just aren't as funny if you have to explain them: http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lvta.html

Ok, now that I get it, that is a very funny name. (Perhaps even up there with Rinda!) I'm glad I don't have to use it, though.

thanks, I've heard of that story and the connection. the next time I release a public project I'm going to name it after a character in my favorite story, "The Tales of Xygujthivxyenssix", and I'll email you asking you to help hack on it. :)

just Googled around ... now I know where to direct this fish! :)

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