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(Ignoring the continual ad-hominems based on particular word choices)

Your comment seems primarily motivated by anger/frustration at the NSA/CIA/etc - an anger which I greatly share. Politically, I think the entirety of the NSA deserves the firing squad as the bunch of traitors that they are, but alas until the public comes out of the spell of their disinfo games then no action will happen on that front.

Speaking of disinfo games, which do you see as the more likely outcome from this current scare story of the week - these citizen-hostile government agencies are reformed and actually become responsive to the people, OR they court this fear about how bad exploit-finders are to acquire more power, especially the power to go after competing hackers?

That's the crux of the matter - when one chooses the wrong philosophical analysis, one can only go down a path where any "solution" compounds the problem. Responsible disclosure is not the law or even the full extent of ethics - it's a gentleman's agreement as to what is prudent and polite. Regardless of how bugs are fixed, who finds them, or their motivations, the fundamental open-society truth is that responsibility actually rests on buggy software itself, as opposed to the people who point out the bugs. Never mix that up, unless you'd like to get back to the dark ages where even good-faith full disclosure results in draconian legal thuggery!

In the context of your plane example, the company who designed the plane and marketed it for passenger use didn't even bother using a CAE program. When previously informed that the tail easily falls off, they added duct tape and a redundant tail. I've said nothing absolving the CIA/foreign fighters - all bad actors are to blame for their parts. But where that blame is focused matters, and blaming the whole situation on one bad actor (the CIA) will guarantee that the company keeps right on selling the known-defective planes.

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