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Let me give you four words of advice here: Stay away from winter. At least do that. Really.

...unless you like winter. I moved to New England a few years ago, and we have three excellent seasons here: summer, fall, and winter. There is no spring, at least by any reasonable definition of spring by anybody who has lived anywhere where there is spring. But "sea and ski" is what it's about here, and, it turns out, I'm ok with that.

There is usually about 1-2 weeks of nice spring weather in May/June. I like spring in New England more than spring anywhere else, because you know that if you blink, it'll be gone. So it's time to have classes outside and enjoy the nice weather and go for a bikeride or something.

Here in California, it's spring all year round, and so we sit at our computers and ignore it most of the time.

because you know that if you blink, it'll be gone

Indeed, it goes away if the sun goes behind a cloud. Even better when you have kids, and have to make sure the baseball field is dry and safe for them. You'll be shoveling mud into wheelbarrows, transporting it to a mound of dirt, and coming back with wheelbarrows-full of dry dirt. Heavy work. More rain. So you do it again. You. Well, and the mosquitoes.

I agree that there are glorious days in the spring here, but in my view they don't a season make. But all-around it's still a fabulous place to live for the climate.

Indeed. Same in Northern Europe. South guys won't ever feel that wonderful warm spring touch after cold winter

But he wants to live within a budget. If he goes to a place where he's guaranteed a beating during winter, his budget will be blown if heating prices greatly increase. A human being can survive hot, humid days without AC. But sub-zero cold without heat? His computers would probably not function, he'd be too miserable to work, and he'd have cold -- if not frozen -- water. I've lived in places during winter when the boiler has broken in an apartment building. I'd rather go without AC in summer than without heat in winter.

When we moved here the house we moved into didn't have a working heating unit. We stayed warm with a wood-burning stove and a tree from our property. We had well over five feet of snow that winter. It was cold.

The computers worked fine. A computer can tolerate cold better than heat.

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