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As I said many times in discussions about ad-blockers - I think that content that can't exist in a non-ad-supported way can stop existing, we'll all be better off. Almost anything that's valuable on-line is either a marketing expense or done pro bono.

Also, I didn't mean I want a Google-dominated reality. Only said that this particular feature - content in search results - is a step in the right direction; it showcases a better way to use the Web. The reality I want is made of free and open-source tools doing that, not Google.

> I think that content that can't exist in a non-ad-supported way can stop existing, we'll all be better off.

I'm not sure what is stopping you from doing that now. You can blacklist domains that serve ads and stop visiting them. Or even better yet, hire someone to write a browser plugin that blocks websites with ads, should be fairly trivial to do. And release the source code so others can benefit.

It's even simpler and I alerady do it - all it takes is to install an ad blocker.

Right, I thought you were principled. My mistake !!

>Almost anything that's valuable on-line is either a marketing expense or done pro bono.

So, like Netflix?

s/Almost anything/Almost anything available for free/

Netflix is a subscription service; I pay them, they stream me movies, the contract is straightforward.

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