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Good for the CIA having skills and tools like this. These are needed.

But is hacking really a "weapon"? I think that hacking is a technical capability or tool, but I wouldn't call it a weapon.

The flip side of this is that we have to realize that as long as vulnerabilities are put in to protocols/products on behalf of Govts, The Govts can exploit them sure, but other people who ahve the ability to read or view code will eventually find out/figure out these weaknesses/exploits also.

Like weakening a protocol that all systems, even your own use. Then not even the govt itself is safe or can defend adequately against them.

I really believe in Security Karma.

Stuxnet was surely a weapon, right?

Stuxnet as an entity, was just the method to deliver different payloads right? I'm not exactly convinced if id ever class that as a weapon over a clever hack. I mean, is the ability to read and find holes in code, a weapon?

Was it a weapon or a very clever hacking job that prevented and held back scientists in Iran from creating an actual weapon? Either way, it was peace through superior code and vulnerability finding power

It begs the question though, is the text editor mightier than the sword?

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