Who do you think pays for the unintelligent people in the welfare society the left envisions? Additionally I do find it rather amusing the left complains that the only reason they don’t win is because of stupid people, and then insists on bringing in the least intelligent immigrants possible, something doesn’t quite add up.
>Who do you think pays for the unintelligent people in the welfare society the left envisions?
If there is one thing that is almost absolutely uncorrelated with IQ is income, so that twisted and repulsive worldview is immedeately shattered by contact with reality.
> I do find it rather amusing the left complains that the only reason they don’t win is because of stupid people
Show me where voting right-wing is correlated with low IQ test scores.
> bringing in the least intelligent immigrants possible
Ditto. (Because immigrants are dumb simpletons, the lot of them)
I think you're right about the IQ. I believe Nate Silver addressed the fact that Trump voters were generally more well off and educated than supporters of Hillary and Bernie.
Also, Democrat policy making going back to Ted Kennedy has favored poorly educated immigrants from Southeast Asia, Africa and South America in particular. This is a fact and worth researching if you're at all confused about it. Also, these immigrants have been shown to vote roughly 4 to 1 in favor of Democrats.
The "left" is not a single person with a single position, by treating it as such, you're sealing yourself into a personal delusion about others that might make you feel good, but simply isn't accurate. And using derogatory terms like "welfare society" merely shows your own political bias. You know why the "left" confuses you, it's because you don't actually bother to try and understand them; you're happy simply mis-characterizing them in this cartoon'ish manner.
The "right" has simply given up. Look at how the media portrays anyone with "traditional values". Turn on any HBO show to get a glimpse of the condescension (True Detective??). Attempts to shut down Chick-fil-A in various states. Courts that overturn propositions despite widespread support amongst voters even in the most liberal of states. Violent attacks at universities against non-liberal academics and speakers. I've watched American politics for years. There have never been any olive branches extended by the left. And even when the republicans own congress they somehow have to cede control to the democrat (see Obama years for reference). If one were to criticize Obama for his horrendous Middle East policies or his unwillingness to fire AG Eric Holder, s/he would be called racist, bigot, homophobe etc etc etc. Anyone that is on the "right" has essentially checked out now. Good luck getting them back.
Also, the left is just about as good as one person. How could so many people with disparate views that are often in conflict vote as a unified block with such great ease?
The media? It depends on which media. Watch the Daily Show and you'll see conservatives getting bashed day in, day out. Tune into Fox News and you'll see the most vicious, 24/7 attack on the liberal bogeyman, and many outright lies and slander. No side can claim persecution. Nobody is a saint in this shitshow.
Sure, IQ is not a valid measure of a human being, certainly not one with which to decide to exclude those seeking a home.
> As a patriot
Equally disgusting, patriotism is just another form of tribalism and bigotry. Patriotism, aka nationalism, isn't a thing to be proud of, it's a thing that causes hate and conflict in the world. You don't choose the country of your birth, it isn't an accomplishment to be proud of, you had nothing to do with it.