this film is pretty great. i got it on video from a catalogue in the 90s (heard of it because one of the stars was in kurosawa's "ran").
if you like this, you would probably like shuuji terayama (of emperor tomato ketchup fame), those his work isn't the easiest to get in the USA outside of an academic context.
more available is nagisa oshima, a lot of whose work is on the excellent streaming service filmstruck, but it's a bit headier than bara no soretsu.
"Just a different chromosome" can also give you Down's, if it doesn't outright kill you. It seems strange to use a diminutive to refer to a huge change in the genetic material that one's entire body is defined by.
It can be pretty straightforwardly interpreted as a reference to the probability of being born into one gender or the other, which is roughly equivalent to a coin flip (not taking into account the higher chance of being born male, hermaphrodites, etc.)
I have trouble grasping why this distinction matters.
My understanding was that when people make "If I were X" statements, they are referring to having a conscious experience different than what they are currently experiencing. They would still be themselves by virtue of being the conscious observer in that context.
if you like this, you would probably like shuuji terayama (of emperor tomato ketchup fame), those his work isn't the easiest to get in the USA outside of an academic context.
more available is nagisa oshima, a lot of whose work is on the excellent streaming service filmstruck, but it's a bit headier than bara no soretsu.