Release notes? New features? Er, nope - is a case study in how making software into abstract 'products and platforms' has the potential to make it so vague that you could be, in fact, downloading anything at all, which constitutes a subproject of the Eclipse project platform, which I assume is a hamburger.
I will admit it would be nice to have a single list of "release notes" but there are like 30 various projects and some 20+ million lines of code getting released all at once. Keep track of all of that at once, let alone at detail fine enough to be useful would be difficult.
As a result they have been doing a "blogathon" where various community members are posting whats new, etc. On the main page of I clicked on blogathon.
On the page that comes up (
Eclipse Helios: What’s New in JDT
Top 10 Eclipse Helios Features
Let’s See What’s New in Eclipse 3.6
Git Support, Top Eclipse Helios Feature #2
New and noteworthy in Helios (Eclipse 3.6)
etc, etc etc.
I had trouble finding any useful information on the landing page. EclipseSource did a series of blog posts highlighting some of the new features, which at least gives me some idea:
More memory will help, but just as important is adjusting the garbage collection algorithm and disabling the unnecessarily paranoid class verification that java does:
Has anyone had any issues switching? I just got galileo up and running to my specs. I would hate to change environments for memory benefits and then get bogged down in version minutia.
Not sure which OS you are using, but at least on Windows, different versions of Eclipse can live side-by-side in different directories. So you should be able to test drive a new version without messing up your old version (might want to try setting up a different workspace while experimenting though).
True, I meant compatibility with the existing plugins out there though, Maven, Subversion, PDT+debugger, PyDev, etc. Should have been clearer on that point.
I only use the CDT package, but it appears to be completely stagnating. Helios ships with CDT version 7.0, which is a new major version of the C/C++ development tools. But as far as I can see, there's barely enough in there to justify a new minor version.