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Advanced Coverage Criteria [pdf] (uni-saarland.de)
33 points by aamederen on June 14, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The most important concept I learnt about coverage in school was the subsumption hierarchy. For those interested in more details, the Pezze-Young book does the best job of explaining these in chapters 12 & 13. http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~michal/book/

I'm surprised that in-practice i've seen only the use of statement & (sometimes) branch coverage being reported. I'd be curious to see if anyone (outside of aviation) has used any other coverage criteria.

I think this presentation is mainly about implementation-related coverage, and there are of course many other kinds (not sure if this is what you were asking about). For instance, in HW design, there is a bigger emphasis on "functional coverage", i.e. coverage derived from a description of what the Device Under Test should do, what the inputs look like etc..

Please see my post about the various kinds of coverage here: https://blog.foretellix.com/2016/12/23/verification-coverage...

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