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Reading OpenBSD source code daily (blog.tintagel.pl)
386 points by mulander on June 9, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 81 comments

Completely agree. But the tools don't make this very easy.

Back in college I was working on patches to OpenSSL, Chrome, Firefox, Apache, etc., to add support for TLS-SRP, and it was a huge pain to jump into these massive codebases and try to understand them. I was using Emacs and had all of the various language support modes configured, but go-to-definition and cross-references barely worked. Searching was slow, and if I wanted to discuss a piece of code with my CS lab partners, I couldn't just share a link.

A friend felt the same pain but then went to work at Google for a bit. At Google, they have some pretty amazing code reading/searching tools (see https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.c...), and these tools helped Google build a culture of thoroughly reading and reviewing code. The causality is bidirectional, but having good tools certainly played a role in Google's success.

That friend and I ended up building a product, Sourcegraph, initially for ourselves to make code reading easier. We've now built a successful business out of it with the help of an amazing team. Here it is pulling in the OpenBSD sources: https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/openbsd/src/-/blob/lib/li.... Sourcegraph has advanced features for several languages; see https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/mholt/caddy/-/blob/caddyh..., for example. If you love to read code (or want to), we hope you'll love our product. Email me if you have any feedback/requests.

There's a tool called OpenGrok that pretty much does this except it's free and open source and it works on C code.

Someone has it run on the openbsd code here: http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/ and it should produce a much more useful representation of the code, see http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/lib/libutil/bcrypt_pbkdf.c#98

Mozilla also has one called DXR which is designed for their large, C++ heavy codebases: https://wiki.mozilla.org/DXR

On first impressions, since I have no experience with OpenGrok nor Sourcegraph, they look to serve about the same core need and provide most the same core functionality, but Sourcegraph is about what I would expect from a company providing usability and features on top of what is generally available for free.

That is, Sourcegraph looks to compare to OpenGrok like Github compares to Gitweb. At least from a cursory look.

Considering that Sourcegraph doesn't support C or C++ and those are pretty much the only languages I write that have less than perfect IDE crossrefence support I don't really see a point in Sourcegraph at the moment.

Didn't one of the sourcegraph founders post a link to OpenBSD in sourcegraph at the top of this thread? That's C. Am I misunderstanding what you're taking about?

"C/C++ is supported for text/regexp search and basic browsing (no advanced language features yet)." (message in the Sourcegraph UI)

just installed opengrok and tried it and it's very good.

linux kernel uses LXR, might be useful too.

here is a comparison chart:


OpenGrok looks wonderful. Thank you for pointing it out!

Just some honest feedback on your pricing that's hopefully helpful: Your Enterprise plan is at least an order of magnitude more expensive than what many organizations would pay for something like this.

E.g. a Jira license for 2000 people costs $24,000 yearly[1], licensing this for the same amount of users would be $1,200,000.

This is way more than organizations of that size tend to pay for top-tier support contracts for software that's critical to business continuity.

Pricing per-user without any advertised discounts is also a trap if you're selling to large organizations. A lot of them tend to, for simplicity's sake, want to just give everyone in the org access to a tool like this, but only 5-10% of the workforce might be using it, but due to how you're pricing it there's no way it's going to be bought in the first place.

1. https://www.atlassian.com/licensing/jira-software

Granted, Jira ends up costing way more than $24,000 yearly, because all plugins need to be purchased for all users, and Jira tends to require employing at least one full-time admin. All-told, it's more in line with a few hundred thousand dollars yearly.

With that said, $1.2 million for 2,000 users yearly for a code-search tool is some pretty insane Kool-Aid pricing, and it prevents me from even recommending it to my bosses - I'd be laughed out of the room.

A JIRA installation with 2,000 users probably has many fewer developers, and you'd only pay for Sourcegraph for developers. For customers where this makes a big difference, we work with them on the pricing.

But if you're a large company with 2,000 engineers, then you could be spending nearly a half-billion dollars on engineering salaries alone. If Sourcegraph makes your developers at least 0.5% more productive, then it pays for itself.

And shouldn't companies be spending 5-10% of their salary budget on getting the best tools? (That would mean tens of millions of dollars annually for this hypothetical 2,000-person company.) Companies routinely pay that for people in other roles, such as salespeople, medical professionals, stock/bond traders, etc. I think we all agree developers deserve the same. :)

> you could be spending nearly a half-billion dollars on engineering salaries alone. If Sourcegraph makes your developers at least 0.5% more productive, then it pays for itself.

A couple things:

a) $500 million / 2,000 engineers is $250,000 per engineer. Even if you take benefits and equipment / licensing costs into consideration, that's really high. Most enterprises aren't located in Silicon Valley and don't pay Silicon Valley engineering salaries.

b) I don't doubt your 0.5% figure, and the argument about the best tools money can buy goes all the way back to the Joel Test, but engineers aren't the ones who make the decision whether to buy these tools, the enterprise bean counters do. Do you have any evidence, even anecdotal evidence, to back up your 0.5% number? Because otherwise, the bean counters just see yet another toy that engineering wants to put on the budget, and the budget is always too restricted to add toys to the budget. Remember how long it took most enterprises to understand that multiple monitors aided productivity? And that's practically obvious. Why does Sourcegraph get a pass? What kind of concrete evidence can engineers pass along to their bean counters to justify the cost of Sourcegraph's licenses?

edit: I want to add, Sourcegraph isn't going to be paid only for engineers. It'll also be paid for QA, engineering management, infrastructure/ops... eventually, everyone wants to store something in version control.

Maybe what you're saying is true, but that simply isn't the reality we live in. JIRA is a great comparison point as it produces a lot of value for a team. Do you really think your tool provides 10x more value than JIRA for a team? Would you recommend a team buy your system over a quality issue tracker if they don't have one?

> I was using Emacs and had all of the various language support modes configured, but go-to-definition and cross-references barely worked. Searching was slow, and if I wanted to discuss a piece of code with my CS lab partners, I couldn't just share a link.

When you say something vague yet absolute like you "had all of the various language support modes configured," that is a big indication that you did not have them configured. There are about four major modes for C/C++. Searching and cross-reference is done with external tools. The only time I ever thought searching was slow was when using the grep that came with Mac OS X. There is absolutely no way that online tools can beat ag or rg for code searching, especially if you have an SSD. Exuberant ctags and GNU Global work for cross-referencing and support dozens of languages. And you have Magit and VC mode right there to track down source code history.

>There is absolutely no way that online tools can beat ag or rg for code searching, especially if you have an SSD. Exuberant ctags and GNU Global work for cross-referencing and support dozens of languages. And you have Magit and VC mode right there to track down source code history.

In my experience, you're right; but that opinion wouldn't make for a nice long-form advertisement for your software project.

Hook them with hinting "I have a solution better than emacs" first paragraph, add a happy tale about collaboration and friendship, and then pile on the advertisement.

A lot of us learned this way from John Lions' Unix Commentary. There have been similar books for Linux and Apache. (They didn't have a concordance for the Linux Core Kernel Commentary so I wrote one and sent it the author who mentioned it in the second printing.) But I think for OpenBSD something like SourceGraph is more than enough.

I would recommend the SourceGraph people post browsers for Linux, L4, Xen, LLVM, ... and other great open source infrastructure projects. You'll drive more interest in your product in a helpful way.

> Here it is pulling in the OpenBSD sources

There is a note that shows up when viewing OpenBSD sources

"C/C++ is not yet supported (beyond basic code browsing and text search)"

In my experience, these two languages are the most difficult to find good tools for, to browse, jump, and manage large code bases. Yes, some exist, but I thought this was the point of "good tools matter"?

I never got around to really testing it, but still remember when OpenGrok was announced, way back when - apparently it's still active. I've been wondering if it would make a good front-end/source-browser component for a trac[t]-like product (with something else for vcs and bug tracking etc):


There's also a list of similar tools at Gnu.org:


Thought it might be of interest for others looking at "source browsing" tools.

[t] https://trac.edgewall.org/

Looks like someone has opengrok run on openbsd here: http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/lib/libutil/bcrypt_pbkdf.c#98

Results seem pretty good.

> I was using Emacs and had all of the various language support modes configured, but go-to-definition and cross-references barely worked. Searching was slow, and if I wanted to discuss a piece of code with my CS lab partners, I couldn't just share a link.

Meanwhile, most IDEs, QtCreator, KDevelop, VS, Eclipse... had this feature for years.

I'm sure you know this but the code doesn't load for me in Firefox on Android.

Works on Android 6.0.1 w/Firefox nightly for developers app.

Okay, good to know.

I just tried on two devices.

Nexus 5X, Android 7.1.2, Firefox 53.0.2

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3, Android 7.0, Firefox 53.0.2

The page loads and I get that little blue loading indicator but then nothing happens.

Thanks for the report. We'll fix this asap.

I love this idea in part because it's the very opposite of the way I tend to work, which is to drive very hard to get a surface understanding of a thing in order to make a very targeted change. I learn lots along the way with this approach, but don't often get the deep, wholistic understanding of existing systems that only comes with repeated exposure over a long time.

Some kinds of understanding involve a no shortcuts grind. That sort of a grind is a big commitment though.

Your process is very good at achieving results fast. But the problem is you always stay in the same "level" of achieving results, which of course in the beginning is a very low level.

What do I mean with "level"? Let's look at transportation in that regards. At first we just had walking/running. Then we learned how to use horses. Then we developed the wheel and could use horse wagons. Then we discovered the walking bike, etc.

If you are on a low level you may be the fastest on that level, but you may be dimensions slower than people on higher levels. Think horse riding vs car.

But that is not the biggest problem if you only use the approach. On a higher level you'll also be able to solve problems that you didn't even know where solvable. For instance if everybody walks you won't even consider visiting other continents. But if you have airplanes you can get there in a few hours and it becomes something people do at least twice a year.

In programming this "solving problems easily that you didn't even know that there were solvable" happens if you really learn software architecture from actual tools, apis, how standards work, etc. The biggest wow for me was when I started to put in the additional 20-50% overhead to becoming standard conform for a standardized API. In the end when I had a problem I didn't have to code anything, because the other tools were already working with the same API as my tool, and I could just connect them and be done. This way I solved 75% of a semester long software project in one weekend, and I wouldn't consider myself especially intelligent. I just put in the hours to become standard conform, because from learning open source tools I found out it's something that people really do and that it is possible to do that.

What you're hinting at is Minimalist Learning Theory.

You have a production bias to learn only what you need to immediately get your job done, rather than investing time to learn up front which could potentially be more efficient in the long run.

I have the same problem, and I'm striving to overcome it. I'm excellent at gaining surface level knowledge quickly, deep knowledge requires much more discipline - and I struggle with how to do it, as I don't have a good strategy for that kind of learning.

> but don't often get the deep, wholistic understanding


How embarrassing. That's what I get for thumb-typing a comment on the bus before I've had my cofveve.

I've been using Typing.io as a platform for reading source code (working my way through Gitlab now) and practicing typing with the right fingers. I have a few minor bad habits to correct, and I want to familiarize myself with the codebase, it's a good way to warm up for the day.

Great idea. What other code bases are there that lend themselves to this?

Some kind of curated genius.com for source code would be interesting.

The Go standard library is very well written and depending on which parts you read you can learn about lots of things like file operations, HTTP, crypto, etc.

It's easy to read it all on the web, the docs are here: https://golang.org/pkg/ and clicking on a function name shows the source.

I totally agree with you. The Go standard library's is fun to read. I end up opening multiple tabs of different packages. Lots of fun.

Doom 3's source code is a pleasure to read, and this overview is very well done.


I've been diving into OpenCV recently. It's a very popular library and generally pretty readable (although the code can get quite messy because they use vectorisation a lot). Since it's about as close as we have to a standard, fast, vision library, it's interesting to see how stuff gets implemented.

There are loads of little things that could be improved, so it's also a nice codebase for contributing to.

In general I think you should pick something that you use every day. There's no point reading OpenBSD for the sake of reading OpenBSD, you'll get far more value out of something familiar.

For operating systems I would recommend xv6:

> https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2016/xv6.html

With the caveat that xv6 is more artificial, it's a codebase for teaching not a living one.

In the past every two years a new version was released - so I would not call it "not living". By personal correspondence with one of the xv6 authors concerning a somewhat larger patch for xv6 (which he liked), he told me that they consider to release a new version in fall 2017, which would be one year after the previous release.

masklinn's claim still rings true. There's a difference between codebases designed mostly for being easy to understand and codebases designed to be optimal in performance, consistency with an existing style (esp if old), and portability. Getting used to reading one might not transfer well to the other kind since the patterns are different. Probably best to use one of its intended goal (learning how OS's work) and look at examples of the other kind when trying to absorb patterns seen in real-world codebases.

John Resig used Genius to annotate the jQuery source code. Seems to be broken now.


The D standard library's Algorithms and ranges are nice. Realistically, most production code for things people depend on is quite well done: e.g. LLVM is pretty easy to read.

Opposite of this: STL implementations come to mind.

Libc++ is quite readable. Libstdc++, not as much.

I've recently hit more than 5 stacked bugs in older version of libstdc++ on bionic libc...

I've heard good things about the sources for musl and lua, if you're interested in reading C

If you're into Python, the Flask source is just awesome. I've learned a lot from that code.

Reading through Python itself is quite interesting, there's actually a MOOC somewhere that does this (ie they hack with the interpreter in the lectures), but I can't remember what it's called unfortunately.

I've just put it on my list to read the Python source.

v7x86[1] has some phenomenal x86 assembly code by Robert Nordier.

[1] http://emma.nfshost.com/v7x86/index.html

I've fallen into doing something similar. I read the mailing lists regularly try to look over the source for something that gets a proposed patch. Because OpenBSD boils down their software to the essentials and tries to make their APIs impossible to misuse I find it pretty easy reading even though I'm not very experienced with C.

Here's the latest daily chat transcript, from Jun 9th: The topic was OpenBSD nc(1) and libtls, but it wandered over to pledge(2) and other code fixes from new participants eager to contribute.


May i suggest maintaining a repo on github with such material? Would be easier to keep up and might bring in some contributions

It might be worth reaching out to mulander, he already hosts his blog on github.


Anyone have a good exemplar React application for this purpose? I'm building small experimental stuff and now I need to level up and see how real applications are being built.

I read the emacs lisp source code in site-lisp/ every day. The goal is to understand one file about a week or so. It has made my emacs and lisp knowledge better, and made me aware of several nice emacs features (align-regexp, for example).

I wonder where best to start for people who haven't taken an OS class before?

CS:APP 3rd (64bit) edition http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/

Lectures for it are here: https://scs.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.a...

This teaches you C, x86-64 arch, stuff like two's complement integers and floating point, how memory and CPUs work, how the C compiler works (linking stage, preprocessor), and how to write/understand signals and processes, file I/O, network code ect.

After that you can just start reading the OpenBSD code and will figure it out or get an Andrew S Tanenbaum book on Operating Systems.

Note, if you buy the Pearson Global Edition of CS:APP (it's only 10% the reg price) there's a lot of errata you will have to check. I once got stuck reversing an assembly program into C that did an even/odd parity check because of a print error returning the final XOR'd value & 0 instead of & 1.

For a good base, I recommend the book "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" by Marshall Kirk McKusick. It's really in depth and I was able to follow it without previously taking an OS course.

Currently they mostly seem to be doing utilities, not kernel stuff, so there should be fairly little OS stuff required.

The best start would be to read a book about operating systems such as Tanenbaums. Reading the source of an OS has a really really low signal to noise ratio in getting important knowledge about operating systems due to implementation details an OS-specific peculiarities.

What about MINIX? Being a teaching operating system, do you think it may contain less nose and thus be more useful as reading material? (I mean, without the book)

Linus Torvalds started out studying MINIX. He was a Finnish programmer into working on kernels. He ended up completing one.

That depends on what you want to learn.

If you want to improve your code reading skills and/or C programming skills, then you can probably go ahead and start reading, for example, the OpenBSD source code, even though you don't have any operating systems knowledge.

I started doing this the other day for a JS framework I'm using. Cannot recommend this practice highly enough. You learn so much.

That sounds great idea. I thinking about reading the vuejs code. if any tips for reading, can you share it?

This Github repo has some very good tips on how to do it: https://github.com/aredridel/how-to-read-code/blob/master/ho...

What I love about the web is that you can just right click and view source. See something cool ? Just click and see how they did it.

Soon, you won't be able to if WebAssembly becomes popular.

This is fantastic! I've recently decided to begin reading web browser source code, even though I understand very little of it at the moment.

For now, what's been fun is to load up the same file in both Chromium and Firefox source, and compare the two and how both browsers work.

Chromium source: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Sour...

Firefox source: https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/

Could also be fun to compare to the Servo source: https://github.com/servo/servo

Servo source is also on DXR, which is a lot nicer than the github source viewer since it understands Rust (and other) languages (using an LLVM compiler plugin): https://dxr.mozilla.org/servo/source/

How about using a static security source code analyzer and going through all findings? The very good ones, the commercial ones, are free to use for open source projects. That would be real benefit to the project I think.

It's missing the point entirely, their primary goal is to become better developer and to improve their C knowledge, hence the effort being mostly focused on reading and understanding a fair amount of code, including its context. Fixes and improvements are positive side-effects of the original effort, not goals in and of themselves.

If you want to improve your C knowledge there are probably more efficient ways to do it instead of randomly reading OpenBSD sources such as reading more advanced C books or reading source codes of projects which are known for their good code quality (sqlite maybe?).

One of problem of static source code analyzers are false positive. Soon or later you will have to reading code and understand the context. I assume it's better way to improve your C knowledge because you REALLY must understand the code . And besides that the positive effect are more valuable.

> more efficient ways to do it instead of randomly reading OpenBSD sources such as reading source codes of projects which are known for their good code quality

Yes they could be reading the source of projects known for their code quality…

> OpenSSL is not an OpenBSD project and the code quality is markedly different :-)[…] and yes, OpenSSL is a bit of a code quality difference than the OpenBSD norm. [nb: these comments were not praising OpenSSL's code quality]

> OpenBSD has proven great at configuration, code quality, and minimalism.

> OpenBSD's incredible code quality quite obviously doesn't apply to the ports tree (and that's not their fault)

> OpenBSD […] has a slower evolution pace and a more carefully planned development model which leads to better code quality overall. Its well deserved reputation of being an ultra secure operating system is the byproduct of a no compromise attitude valuing simplicity, correctness, and most importantly proactivity. OpenBSD also deletes code, a lot of code.

> After scouring the lists and other resources I've yet to find an official reason for OpenBSD dropping LKM support, but would wager it's due to security or code quality/openness ideals.

> OpenBSD, a project that has a frankly psychotic focus on code quality. […] some examples of great code quality. OpenBSD is undoubtedly one of the pin-up projects of the Open Source world, featuring code that is almost supernaturally clean, consistent and direct.

> SELinux, etc. is not that picky about audits and code quality as OpenBSD is.

> “I think our code quality is higher, just because that’s really a big focus for us,” De Raadt says.

such as OpenBSD.

Ok. Could you give me the sources of these quotes? Or other reputable sources and papers who claim that the code quality of OpenBSD is high?

Code quality is hard to measure, but I think that any competent C programmer that reads the source code for OpenBSD will agree that the quality is above average.

OpenBSD is a fork of NetBSD, another project considered to have above average quality source code. Enough so that Spinellis based his book about code reading on the NetBSD source code.

>... such as ... reading source codes of projects which are known for their good code quality (sqlite maybe?).

OpenBSD is one such project.

I disagree, reading quality code, which I would argue that the OpenBSD source is, is one of the best ways to improve.

Also, being able to read and understand code is an important skill in itself.

This is a smart thing to do! I might do it eventually... not right now though, because of <insert whatever reason you can think of here>, and stuff, you know.

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