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Let's talk about something more interesting:

1. Open Angel Forum has gotten a dozen startups funded. 2. Open Angel Forum is now in eight cities, and will be in San Francisco this Thursday. 3. The Launch Conference next winter will be a platform for 30-50 startups to launch AND raise their seed/A-rounds.

These SEO attacks are absurd at this point... I may be outspoken, but this is a slam job done by a group of SEOs who have it out for me. It's sad that they can take over HackerNews so easily.

As a completely independent observer having no stakes in this game, I think that the facts absolutely don't point this way. None of your "arguments" has explicitly refuted the attacks. All refutations have been shown (with proof) to be invalid.

Finally, it just does not seem like all that plastered excessive AdSense is doing the Internet any good at all. What value are you providing there, exactly? If those are just pages which don't get much traffic, you could just remove the AdSense from there and the world will thank you for it.

I'd like to echo ashu's comments; I have no skin in the SEO game and Mahalo doesn't pass the smell test for me. There might be a bias on HN against you or your site, but if you want to change that, it's your job to argue with solid facts that can't be refuted with a 5 minute Google search.

The fact that you're trying to completely change the subject with your post about the Open Angel Forum doesn't really help your cause, either.

Do you really hold up the pages you post from Mahalo as a shining beacon of something you want to be known for?

Pages full of auto-generated content and ads which you have managed to get Google to index?

I'd understand if you were desperate for cash and needed the adsense revenue, but surely it'd be better to create a site that has some sort of quality content that you can be proud of?

Ignore the "SEO Attacks" stuff.

* You automatically create pages with no real content * You plaster them with ads * You get them indexed by Google

That doesn't seem to me to be something good for the web.

He doesn't care, he's a scumbag spammer and will endlessly play innocent no matter what facts you present him.

Sure, I just don't understand why, unless he's really desperate for cash.

Why? Haven't you ever met anyone that seems borderline sociopath? It's not so much needing money as it is not giving the slightest shit about other people. Other people are simply there to be manipulated and taken advantage of for personal gain, that's why.

There's no conspiracy, the facts speak for themselves. I admire your tenacity in responding to these posts, but you've had a bit too much of your own koolaid. Mahalo doesn't pass the smell test, period.

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