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Show HN: Embed Hacker News dynamically as comment section (txtpen.github.io)
15 points by greato on June 4, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

It's just blank for me. This is an interesting idea though - I wonder if it would on average increase or decrease the quality of HN conversations.

It might also help some interesting posts that aren't submitted much but still have interesting content get more HN activity and thereby reach the front page.

I wrote this primarily for tech blogs. For example: http://rickyhan.com/blog/k8s.html

Hey greato, I made the same thing 6-9 months ago in https://comments.network/ , but I was contacted by HN stating that I do not have permission to use the comments from HN and to stop doing so. Just letting you know.

Thanks for the heads up. This will be free and open source. Also checkout my main project txtpen thanks.

Been checking this periodically to see how it looks, but it seems like your example blog is still not working.

It's been fixed. It was broken because it was querying a sub comment(not root comment).

This is a really great idea. But couldn't it done without JavaScript?

"No such item" error message

hn.algolia.com is aggressively cached. It's updated every 3 minutes.


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