The author says they lost a week of their life to the Swift 3 renaming but wasn't there a utility that helped with that?
I agree that Swift has seemed to been infected with the disease so many open source projects get; focusing on over polishing instead of big picture and innovation but it's still my favorite new language.
Edit: I missed the author mentioning the utility sucked. Sorry!
The automated tool couldn't even automate the conversion of the Apple examples on their developer cleanly. Those examples were fundamental demonstrations (e.g. table with views), so that indicates a pretty big problem if you are trying for a complicated app. It also makes it difficult for people just starting.
He mentions it: "The migration tool caused more issues than it automatically resolved, leaving a manual migration as the only sane path forward. How that migration tool ever made it through QA is beyond me, but I'd have felt better if Apple just said 'good luck' instead of offering a half-baked utility."
> but wasn't there a utility that helped with that?
Yes, but in the article he writes, "The migration tool caused more issues than it automatically resolved, leaving a manual migration as the only sane path forward."
For small projects and if you don't use third party libraries (who doesn't ?) the Xcode migration assistant may work. Otherwise, manually doing the conversion is the law of the land.
I agree that Swift has seemed to been infected with the disease so many open source projects get; focusing on over polishing instead of big picture and innovation but it's still my favorite new language.
Edit: I missed the author mentioning the utility sucked. Sorry!