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I use Swift daily in a mixed application of both languages. I worked with ObjC since back in the NeXT days and I used to like the language but today nothing could ever drive me back. Xcode on the other hand is nightmare I despise daily but that's a different issue. The sooner ObjC goes away the better.

I'm the exact opposite. I have been forcing myself to use Swift daily to rewrite utilities and help with an iOS app. I hate their take on the Smalltalk-style selector (the unnecessary parentheses is a pain) and other parts of the language. I'll use it, but it is much like Transact-SQL or Perl was for me (become an expert but not really like the language or programming in it).

Swift on iOS and Kotlin on Android are a great update from their predecessors both in terms of syntax and safety, (Optionals etc.), which I really appreciate. I also like how they both provide just enough functional tools to be interesting and useful, yet at the same time remain firmly in the familiar OO land, makes the adoption cost a lot lower.

After developing Android apps for a while and finally taking an iOS class, XCode felt like such a step back compared to Android Studio. I ended up downloading AppCode and only using XCode for UI related task.

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