EVs don't have as many things attached to the engine. I wonder if some "new" EVs will just be refurbished older EVs with a new battery and cosmetic changes.
People want new bodywork, seats, electronics, etc.
It might be possible to make all that replaceable, so that a car can be fully refurbished, and certainly that is done to commercial vehicles all the time (passenger buses, etc.), but not sure about the economics of doing it to light-duty cars and trucks. The body itself is probably not that expensive.
Certainly seems like it ought to be possible to pull the motors out of an old car and drop them into a new one. But then again people do that with gasoline engines all the time, too. If you blow a head gasket in a lot of cars, the "fix" is often to replace the engine with a remanufactured engine that comes out of a crate. It's cheaper to do that than to pay for the labor to actually replace the gasket in a shop, at least in a high-cost area (NE US, especially at dealers).