This reminds me of My last year at university. At our final senior project we each had to give a group presentation. I remember this one group that showed off this VB6 program (which was considered outdated language even then). They didn't know how to run the program without opening visual studio and clicking run. They didn't even have basic understanding of compilation/run phases. They couldn't answer basic questions about the code. Obvious to everyone they copied the code. Yet they still passed the class.
I've worked with a tonne of people in the industry like this, particularly in MS land where something is "impossible" if Visual Studio can't do it. Often you'll end up with a million projects for namespacing because they don't know what a folder is.
It's only going to get worse as we have a generation of kids that have only used tablets and don't know what an "exe" is, or even a file.
I find that multiple projects are heavily used in Visual studio, because a lot tooling works better by splitting into projects instead. NCrunch is the example here.
It's easier to enforce dependency rules. A domain model should not have any dependencies on a specific technology, the easiest to way to enforce that is a separate project, with no references.