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This looks nice but so far I'm thrilled with ktor (which is very much in development).

Some of the main draws are:

- It supports multiple server hosts (Jetty, Netty, Tomcat as well as running as a servlet)

- It's Kotlin done by the JetBrains guys so very much Kotlin to the core

- It supports co-routines

Not trying to throw water on your hard work, but what reasons would I want to consider Javalin?

> but what reasons would I want to consider Javalin?

I'm not really trying to convince devs whose main language is Kotlin to use Javalin, it's made more for Java devs and Java devs who are looking to switch to Kotlin.

That being said..! Ktor Hello World example isn't very pretty, and I can't find the docs. All I found was a mostly empty wiki. Where are the official docs?

By the way, pull-requests for other embedded servers would be very welcome in Javalin.

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