I logged into my outlook, changed my email address to his email address, and sent the email to post@posterous.com.
Dustin mentioned in his article that he didn't require a password, and I wanted to see if he had used the confirmation skip.
Just wanted to apologise to Dustin about any inconvenience, but I do hope I opened his eyes to security a little!
EDIT: A little bit of backstory.
Dustin seems to think, that I did this because of a comment he made, on how the headers could be forged. I had not read this comment. Infact, I read his article, and using the knowledge that I picked up years ago, that you could change the outgoing email address in Outlook (Although, it was Outlook Express in them days) I changed my email to his email.
I saw his email on his website (hi@dustincurtis.com) and thought, "No, he wouldn't be sending his personal emails from that address, that's silly."
I checked the WHOIS on his domain, and saw another email address there. I changed my email, sent a quick "Apparently..." message, and then changed it back to my original email address. I checked his blog, and it didn't seem to work.
I then went to sign up for my own posterous, to play a bit more, and I saw that you had to authorise your posts. Then I saw how this could be disabled for convenience. A few minutes later and the post showed up.
I am a Web Developer, I have experience with bash scripting, curl, sendmail and everything else you would need to fake headers.
I did not fake headers, I changed one field in Outlook. I didn't do this maliciously, and I just did it to prove a point.
Posterous should not be using email alone to authorise posts, and they should not let you disable submission checking.
Yes, someone did figure out how to post to Dustin's site today. This security hole is now fixed.
We had a specific problem with the way we dealt with SPF records. Dustin didn't set any up, and there was a specific way that Robin Duckett's email server responded that caused us to flag it as a false negative for spoofing.
For the vast majority of users who use gmail, hotmail or other services, this was never an issue.
Since our launch on day one, we have taken email spoof detection very seriously. It's one of our core differentiators: to be able to securely post to your blog by emailing a single, easy to remember address. We don't want to do secret addresses or secret words.
Over the past 2 years, we've developed robust spoof detection ip and spend a ton of time trying to stay a step ahead of hackers. Fortunately, we've only had a few very specific, isolated cases where one of our sites was spoofed and each time we have improved our system.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We always need to be one step ahead of the hackers/spoofers, and we thank the Hacker News community for keeping us on our toes!