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And like many other bad things that have occurred quite naturally in the past, we'll suffer no matter what or who's causing the disaster.

So la-de-da let's go around doing things that might cause more of these things to happen, after all it's natural? Sounds a lot like the "everything natural=goodness" fuzzy thinking certain people are guilty of. Lots of bad things are "natural" yet it's still a very smart policy to prevent them. Contracting STDs is natural. Tooth decay and abscesses are natural. Breaking your neck in a fall is natural. I'm still going to practice safe sex, brush and floss my teeth, and use a safety harness while climbing.

A good many resources just don't make the cost/benefit cut. Self destructively promiscuous people are a readily available resource for getting sex, but they are also a good way to irreversibly get stuck with herpes.

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