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As much as people make fun of him for caring so much about a seemingly minor point, I've come around to understanding RMS's frustration about people calling all of the GNU project "Linux". This sort of title drives home why: neither Linus nor anyone else on the Linux project had anything to do with any of this.

If someone wrote an article titled "Windows utils that you might not know," I would not expect it's content to be solely applications written by Microsoft.

With WSL (and cygwin) this could be windows utils you may not know.

I think a better title would probably be "Common Unix utils that you might not know" or "GNU Coreutils that you might not know" (as some of the things that he is using seem to be coreutils-only?)

and on the contrary: aside from the title, is anything in this article specific to Linux?

Actually not, since these GNU tools could be used on BSD as well.


Many GNU utilities provide extensions above and beyond the incredibly limited POSIX spec or more featured BSD, Solaris, etc utilities.

Though a better title for this particular post would be "POSIX" utilities.

> Don't attribute everything to that bearded madman.

And yet the bearded madman has done a lot more than you probably have.

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